Monday, March 17, 2008

Good Reasons for Eric Blog

10. Now my bull**it can be documented and used against me later in a court of law.

9. My mom and grandmother can know what I am up to even when I don't call.

8. I have a lot to say and no one wants to listen.

7. My dogs don't respond to me when I have conversations with them.

6. Good things do happen and I think someone should point them out - like me getting divorced.

5. At 1:34 a.m., when you are in a hotel room in Orlando (MCO) a bit bored and a bit procrastinating - is there anything better to do than waste time on the internet creating a top 10 list?

4. I can harass Richard Allan to no end about his affinity for Dale Earnhardt, Jr., NASCAR in general and also discuss things I care about.

3. I get sick of reading other peoples opinions when mine is always right.

2. I want to violate as many copyrights as possible - does David Letterman's Top Ten List count?

1. Jason Steele is tired of me sending him my comments on everything he posts (he won't post them anyway).


Jason said...

Dude, I posted your comments, except the nonsense about Obama being a communist. I asked you for any evidence, and you said "It is on the Internet" Whoa, case closed!

Eric Meadows said...

I knew that would get Jason going....he is correct. I just wanted to poke him a bit.