Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Building Back Up

In 2007 I got divorced - in all honesty my marriage had been over for more than 3 years. Having no children made the experience better, but divorce is not easy no matter how you go about it . It left me gun shy to give my heart to anyone and took me some time to allow someone to join me in spirit because I had built walls to protect myself.

It is amazing how the blossoming of a new relationship can impact your spirit and change your view on the world in the most positive and amazing ways. I have finally found someone that I choose to share time with, want to develop a meaningful relationship with and fondly think of when she is not in my presence.

She has penetrated my walls. I think she is beautiful, smart, funny, and we share with each other what we did not have before. I know she is going to read this and I want to thank her for giving me the best birthday present I have had in years. I want her to know I am thinking of her. I want her to know I hope we create something truly special.

For you.


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