Day 4 starts with 474 players. The money broke on day 3 (yesterday) with hand for hand play starting at 10:30 a.m. PDT and #667 - a.k.a. as "bubble boy" - being some guy named Steve Chung. Wouldn't it suck to be the bubble in a tournament you paid $10 dimes to play?
The news wasn't all bad for Steve. Milwaukee's Best Light ("the Beast") awarded him with a $10,000 seat in the 2009 main event. After the money was cracked the fever pitch of players getting eliminated sped up as many players claimed their $21,230 and happily trotted off to Sapphire. Play wrapped up at 2:00 a.m. so day 4 will not start today until 1:00 p.m. allowing players time to rest.
To get the full feel for the "bubble" and what it sounded like check out this podcast from Tao of Poker.
According to notable knockouts from Day 3 before the money included Scott Clements, Jennifer Harman, Erik Seidel, Phil Gordon, John D’Agostino, Alex Kravchenko, Toto Leonidas, Noah Boeken, Chris Moneymaker, Barny Boatman, Steve Zolotow, Jason Strasser, and Nenad Medic.
Notable KO's after the bubble included:
651: Men “The Master” Nguyen
645: Pat Pezzin
635: Jason Gray
625: Vanessa Rousso
618: Brandon Adams
616: Bill Gazes
600: Thor Hansen
536: Farzad Rouhani
526: Bob Slezak
518: Chau Giang
Pros still in the tournament of note include Johnny Chan, Hellmuth, Mike Matusow, Jean-Robert Bellande, Allen Cunningham, Evelyn Ng, Jeff Madsen, Brandon Cantu, Hoyt Corkins, Adam Levy, Jon Friedberg, and Victor Ramdin.
There is a list of the money finishers from day 3 from at Tao of Poker if you care to take a look.
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