This years main event had 6,844 entrants. It was going to be 6,845, but I was not able to undo my cracked pocket Aces; therefore, never made it into the starting field.
Of the 6,844 that started a about half - or 3,068 - remained in the field as of 12:42 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, July 9th. This year players started with 20,000 tournament chips and 2 hour blinds which has led to a slower tournament and for the most part a more deliberate pace. Each of the first days (there were 4 of them) lasted 10 hours, or 5 levels.
The payouts were announced as well - here they are:
666 get paid - ironic, I know.
1st - $9,119,517
2nd - $5,790,024
3rd - $4,503.352
4th - $3,763,515
5th - $3,088,012
6th - $2,412,510
7th - $1,769,174
8th - $1,286,672
9th - $900,670
666th - $21,230
Some notable players no longer in the tournament are Scotty Nguyen, Alexia Portal, and Erick Lindgren (Chased down by ESPN cameras for interview. "Hey America I'm so fuckin happy right now!". He then flipped the bird).
Ray Ramono of "Everybody Loves Raymond" is still in and has been moved to the feature table (for TV).
Quote of the day:
"At least four hundred players were stuffing their faces with pizza. The geniuses at PizzaHut makes out like fuckin' bandits. Installing those stands in the hallway was a grandslam. $6 for cold pieces of stale bread, government cheese and fourth-rate ketchup? Disclaimer: I consume at least three or four per week but I am not a paid endorser, nor do I own any stock in Tricon Global which owns PizzaHut, Kentucky Fried Pigeons, and TacoSamonella."
I ate one of those little disks last week and this is the best analysis I think I have seen!
From TaoPauly's Blog - you should follow this guy on Twitter.
For updates check, Bluff Magazine, WSOP, and Tao Pauly's Blog. I used all of these sites to complile this information - some more than others.
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