I am not one to kick a person when they are down, or wish ill on others - so before going off the deep end and assuming I have it out for Props and Hops keep in mind that I am just posting facts...followed by my opinion. As Paul Harvey would say, "and now the rest of the story".
I live in Cherokee County, Georgia -
BridgeMill to be specific. I keep my boat and
WaveRunner at
Victoria Marina on the "A" dock. I have been eating at Robert's Hideaway and now Props and Hops for many years - long before there was poker at either incarnation. So today, when a good friend of mine sent me
this out of the Cherokee Ledger News I was a bit disgusted. If you don't want to click on the link here is the report on Props and Hops from the Cherokee County Health Department:
Props n Hops1001 Victoria Landing, Canton
Inspection date: June 5
Current score: 61-U
Previous score: 98-A (opening)
Violations: Person in charge must maintain managerial control in food prep areas (multiple cooling, temperature,
sanitization issues). Employees must wash hands between glove changes and after hands become contaminated. No bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food. Can opener, meat slicer must bee kept clean. Dish machine not sanitizing, use three-comp until serviced (ran six-seven times). Expired food must be discarded. Do not cool large portions of chicken together, use shallow pans, single layer and place in walk-in cooler 135-70 in two hours, 70-41 in four hours. Par-cooked fries must also be properly cooled. Keep wipe cloths in solution at 100 ppm chlorine, replace when soiled. Multiple food items (potentially hazardous) at 48 degrees to 54 degrees in three-door cooler (all discarded). Cooler must be serviced. Coolers in need of maintenance. Ambient temperature should be 36 degrees. Cooler by grill and flip-top cooler leaking excessively. Condiment cooler needs servicing. Walk-in needs to be turned down. Unnecessary equipment must be removed (inside and outside at back door). Need thorough clean-up in food prep and storage areas.
I went to Props and Hops last night and ate dinner there. Although the food wasn't bad I am glad I read this after I ate it and not before. Fortunately I do more drinking at Props than eating and apparently the beer cooler and ice machine are operating within health guidelines. I must say that the service at the place has diminished greatly and I am soon to introduce a new side game for all the players called "catch the waiter".
This is all a shame in my eyes - I like this game, I really like the players and I really love the location, but it seems to me that Props is in the early stages of implosion. Maybe I am wrong. I take that back - I hope I am wrong and they pull it together.