Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life Gets In The Way

I just realized that it is already August and I haven't posted a new blog in close to 10 days, but let's face it - life happens and mine is moving full steam ahead.

At work we are beginning a new year (our fiscal year runs from August to July) and with all my new responsibilities and the organizational changes that come with it I have my hands full on that front.

I have also been spending a good bit of time with my girlfriend, who I believe to be close to the perfect women, time with friends, and playing tennis. Looks like now through November is going to be very busy with things clicking off at a record pace right into the holiday season.

Hence, my lack of blogging - not that I am sure many people read my blog - but if they do I hope it entertains and informs.

That is all for now.

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