As the President of APPA I play various API venues to get to know the players and support the venues, but I will at times also go outside of API to sample other leagues games 3 or 4 times a year so I am informed when making recommendations about the future of APPA.
Last Monday after my weekly tennis drills I headed up to Canton to check out another leagues game at Jocks and Jill's and came in 3rd, winning $10 house cash. It is funny how I always seem to do well when I play in other tournaments outside API since I have no preconceived notions about how the players will act and revert back to my core solid / aggressive with switch ups as needed.
Today I received a blast email from the other league (into my alias email account) telling me that Jocks and Jills in Canton is no longer in business* (oh well - so much for my $10 house cash and their game), but this reminds me that in the current economic environment how important it is for us as players to support (read spend money with) the venues that we frequent.
As the old saying goes, nothing in life is free and the same goes for free poker. There is a cost to the venue, the league and you to keep our games viable and active at each of the venues API brings to the table. Venues will change from time to time due to the competitiveness of league poker in the Atlanta Area, the needs and desires of venues, and the support from the players, but for my money you can't find any better league to get you ready for the "big tournament" than API.
*NOTE: I could not contact anyone at Jocks and Jill's Canton location to confirm it was closed and when I contacted their corporate office I was told they were unaware of the closing and to contact the owner Michael Holiday directly at 770-704-5455 for confirmation. I was unable to reach Mr. Holiday. If it turns out they are still open I will follow up with another blog on ethics of poker leagues.
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