Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Foundational Concepts

There is a running joke between one of my good friends and myself about the "The Meadows Foundation", but I am starting to think that this joke might be better as reality.  The joke began a while back when my friend, who is aware of much of the charitable work and giving that I do, said he wanted to reserve a spot in my foundation in case things went bad for him and his family. 

Given the way things are going today I am beginning to think that creating a real "Meadows Foundation" might not be such a bad idea given the economy and the needs that I see on a daily basis.  I believe charity should be a fundamental part of our lives and the benefits of giving far outweigh the benefits of receiving so today I am going to outline some of my core beliefs of what this Foundation should look like and seek input from those that know me best or at least care to read my rant.

First, I think the primary purpose of this charity should not be to help the homeless, those on welfare, etc.  The target of this Foundation is average everyday people going about their everyday affairs.  You won't be able to apply for benefits, they will be bestowed in anonymity and require only the information needed to garner non-profit status.  The main principle of the Foundation will be to "pay it forward" or "general reciprocity".  In other words, the good you do comes back to you in other ways - one of the main ways is the abundant joy and reward of doing good for others without seeking external adulation for your good acts - hence the requirement for anonymity.

My hope is that in time by "paying it forward" that there will be a greater propensity of all people to treat others that they encounter, friend or stranger, with acts of random kindness leading to a more peaceful existence.  This kindness doesn't have to be monetarily focused.  The simple act of holding a door, helping a single mom struggling with multiple kids get on an airplane, letting someone with a couple items go before you in a checkout, etc. all help build a better world for us and those who occupy this world after us.   

Now the real work begins.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Can't Wait for Lost Vegas

Now I am not saying that I created the Internet, but I did think of it well after it was actually created by the U.S. Government - and no Al Gore wasn't the inventor (more like the Department of Defense).  One of the benefits of being a net head is that I read a lot of material online and one of my favorite blogs is that of Paul McGuire, a.k.a. known as Dr. Pauly, located at http://taopoker.blogspot.com. 

This deviant and his blog will lead you to sites such as "Guess Her Muff" among many others, but in the end this site is about the reality of the poker lifestyle, the grind of major tournaments, and the pitiful life of prostitutes among other subjects.  

Soon Paul will be publishing his first book that I am aware of called "Lost Vegas".  The subtitle says "The Redneck Riviera, Existentialist Conversations with Strippers, and the World Series of Poker".  Now I am not as traveled as Pauly, but I always thought the Redneck Riviera was Panama City Beach, Florida?  Back to the point I was trying to make.  

I can't wait to read this book because Paul McGuire has covered more WSOP's than I have been too and not only does he have a fun and jovial writing style, but he tells it like it really is instead of glamming up his writings like many journalistic failures I know.  He thinks his book will only sell well in France and Europe, but I think he will be presently surprised by his American fans too.

Can't wait to read Lost Vegas.